Our Story
Based in Amsterdam, The Health Tech Company is redesigning Health Care through scientifically-validated and advanced user-friendly tools.
We deliver technology and advisory solutions to a network of physicians and clinics, bringing to the market affordable and accessible tools focused on patient monitoring and preventive health care.
Our innovative approach brings the latest Health Tech innovations to the mass public, influencing one of the biggest socio-economic problems of our time.
Our Mission & Vision
We believe in a world where everyone, everywhere has access to health care and wellness tools to improve their personal wellbeing.
Our Vision
A world with equal access to Health Care
Our Mission
To accelerate the pace of Health Tech innovations.
To break down barriers, providing personalised healthcare for everyone, everywhere.
Our Values
Integrity, using technology for good
Innovative, a modern and approach to health care and wellness
Collaboration, we believe in people
Email Us
1071NE - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The Health Tech Company 2020 - All rights reserved
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